Next class will introduce TCP protocol. Additional reading are sections 3.5.1 & 3.5.2.
Chapter 2 test has already been marked.
Programming project
Some of you have asked me about the way the labs are going to be assessed. Though I will pr
esent it in the next class, here is the deal: The work you do in the lab is mostly about learning how to use the sockets interface during the first term. So that learning outcome will be shown by you creating a distributed application of your choice (ie. a two or more players game, a P2P filesharing app, a simple FTP|HTTP|SMTP server, a chat server, etc). There is not a closed list and whenever possible I want you to chose the project.
This is a team work where up to three students can work together in a common project. It is still possible to do it alone, though. Projects will be publicly presented in the lab and marked by your peers.
Those of you that could not think of a possible project can come to my office for getting a project proposed by me too.
Whatever project you chose you need to check with me that is ok (projects that do not involve network programming will be rejected, that is almost the only requirement).
It is ok if you just invent a new type of application or protocol, as far as you are capable of convince your classmates of its usefulness and/or coolness.
All work is due to the lab session December 17th. Those that can make it to the previous week can have a bit more time to explain and show their projects.
It is suggested that projects are based PC platform and Java language, for that I can provide support, but it is ok if you rather use another language or develop for Android/IOS or any gaming platform, as far as you can produce the source code and show us a working demo.