Sunday, December 22, 2013

Four secret messages for the holidays

Besides wishing you happy holidays, I want to give you some examples of encrypted messages.
Each decrypted message is a homework well done. So feel free to submit your responses to get extra credit.

1) SSB3aXNoIHlvdSBoYXBweSBob2xpZGF5cyBmb3IgeW91IGFuZCB5b3VyIGxvdmVk
2) Zkij te dej unfusj jee cksx veh renydw tqo. (spaces and symbols are preserved, substitution was used here).
3) Dye edaoiteeduexttsin u?  rperpt bs iovec nsoo d (transposition was used here).
Please note there may be two blank spaces, so let's print it again using monospaced charset:
Dye edaoiteeduexttsin u?  rperpt bs iovec nsoo d
4) psdo do qcvpsti tlqxbzt vy xvcvqzbsqwtpde ohwopdphpdvc whp psdo pdxt dp do cvp q eqtoqi edbsti (again this is just monoalphabetic substitution)

Please note this homework is no longer offered nor it will be marked any more.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Just two days before we explained RSA ...

It has been described a new type of attack to RSA that might recover private key when it is being used for decrypting a message based on the noises (sound) the computer does. Not pulling your leg, really.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Subject's projects

Today some more projects were presented but some more are pending.

Next Friday we will finish those that are still pending will be presented in the classroom.

I could see excellent work in the lab and it will be a pity that your effort were to be wasted, so I will setup a site that will host all your projects. For that I will need you to send me an email containing the full source code of the project as, the names of the students involved in the project, a short explanation of your project (max 6 lines) and a title.

Please note that your classroom mates' work is an invaluable learning tool if you liked what you saw in anybody else  project.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Last chapter of 1st term

Our Chapter 5 is about Network Security. You can read sections 1.6, 8.1 and 8.2.1 of the textbook. Please remember our course chapters not necessarily match the book's numbering scheme.

Some basic concepts about security like privacy, authentication and message integrity will be laid out and some concepts about secret key ciphers will be presented too.