Friday, November 28, 2014

Programming project deadline

This is to remind you programming projects are due December 8th. You can upload your source code, presentation/explantion and readme file packed as a zipfile to PoliformarT account (or email it to me if that does not work).

December 9th, 10th, 16th and 18th lab sessions will be used for you to present to your classmates your project. If needed you can use the lab computer or your own laptop for presenting your work.

Each presented project has to include all the source code and a small text explaining how it works and how to get it working (the type of info other student would need to get it working). You can do a PowerPoint for your presentation but it is not a requirement. Do not forget to include the name of the group members in the package.

Students have to come to the lab even if they already presented their project as they have to rate the work of other students too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

UDP lab

Sixth lab presents UDP sockets. InetAddress, DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket are the topics of this lab. Contrary to TCP, there is no difference here for servers or clients (as there is no connection in UDP).

Monday, November 10, 2014

UDP and netcat

Last lecture it seemed the usual commands were not working in the classroom computer. After checking it out, I guess the culprit was the software firewall of the classroom computer was blocking the UDP traffic.

You can create a listening "server" by typing nc -u -l 7777 and you can "connect" to it by typing nc -u localhost 7777 on another shell window. It did not work in the classroom but it will usually work.

But ... if you use OSX, the above instructions will not work.

On OSX, you have to add the address on the server side for it to work: nc -u -l localhost 7777

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New chapter

According to our program, Chapter 4 matches our textbook's Chapter 3 and it is about TCP and UDP protocols (the Transport Layer).  Tomorrow we will cover sections 3.1,3.2 & 3.3 and next week's lecture will cover section 3.4.