Monday, June 22, 2015

Re-take exam has been marked

Final grades can be seen on the purple column, already reflecting the retake marks.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


FASTER is a 60 Tbps underwater cable between USA and Japan. This article provides you some pictures about the process of setting it up. You may want to enable your translator unless you can read Japanese language.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Exam remainder

Next Monday June 22nd re-take exam will be held at 11:30h. Building 1G, Classroom 1-4.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Term and course marks are out

Please double check that the attendance record is correct and that your different marks make sense. Final mark is the average of the two terms. Term mark is 20% lab, 20% class activities and attendance, and 60% written exam.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Second term exam

Just as a reminder, next Monday June 8th the second term exam will be held at 11:30h. Building 1G classroom 1.4

And in case you do not remember, Network Layer, Link Layer and Physical Layer are what it is included.

Estimated exam duration is 2 hours.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Physical layer resources

As I mentioned in the classroom. Physical Layer is not covered in Kurose's book. So you can study it using other books. I reckon the best choice can be Andrew Tanenbaum's Computer Networks Chapter 2.

You can borrow it from the library. You can get the chapter's slides here.