Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sixth lab about ARP and more

Sitxth lab is available here.

Please have a look to sections 5.3 & 5.4 of the textbook before the next lecture.

Results from last homework and test are available on the usual place. Test has not been good. It really worries me as previous chapter is more than half of the content for the second term exam.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fifth lab: NAT

It is already available. This time we will be using a set of canned Wireshark captures you can obtain here.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Some ideas about possible projects for the second term

As we did for the first term, it works best if each team chooses a topic of their liking. But to guide you a
bit in the process, it is best to focus your attention on the topics of the second term. So here you have some ideas:

  1. General purpose PC to micro-controller communication (USB, serial ports, I2C, SPI, etc). Microcontroller might well be an Arduino board. If you do not have one you should!.
  2. Data transfer of collected data by a data-logger device.
  3. Ethernet communications (again PC-microcontroller, maybe without a TCP/IP stack).
  4. Ethernet packet capture for multiple purposes (miniwireshark).
  5. Use of raw-sockets (that will require C instead of Java, and root access too).
  6. Subnetting/supernetting calculator, maybe web-based
  7. Error control codes.
  8. Signal analysis (frequency domain). 
  9. Modulation and demodulation. Transmission of signals without polarity or DC component. 
  10. Home automation projects.
  11. Mobile apps.
I almost forgot it! 

Please have a look to section 4.5 of the textbook.