Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Final marks

Retake exam has been marked. You can check your grading here. This completes these year's schedule and the final mark column is what you will get.

If you detect any error please let me now.

In a few days these marks will become official.

Have a nice summer, have fun and work not too much.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Please do not forget to submit the source code of the second term project. Otherwise, those points from the project will be removed from your mark. Those who have completed the task have their LAB mark with dark green color. Those with a black ink color in the mark are still to turn in their code.

Next week the second term re-take will take place on Tuesday 24th morning at 10am. Anyone can come and have a look at the exam, but those turning it in for grading will obtain whatever mark they achieve in this last exam whether it is a higher or lower value than what you obtained in the first attempt.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Second term exam is now marked

Marks are out. Exam was not bad and final marks are published too. All in all not a bad year. Still some of you did not make it this time. Remember there is a re-take exam next June 24th morning.

Both, those have failed and those willing to improve their mark, need to know that last mark is the one that will be considered (i.e. if you obtain a lower mark in the re-take than in the previous exam, it is still the last one that counts).

Final marks are assuming you all will turn in the source code of your lab project. Those who fail to provide it before the end of the month will see how that part is removed from their final mark.

For a limited time you can check your examEmail me if you believe there is any error in my grading of your exam detailing the question number number involved and a brief explanation of it.

Solved-exam here.

Note: Final marks have been corrected, as there was an error in the way average of tests and homework was calculated. Changes are minor but now the average of (1,null,null) is actually 1/3 and not 1.