Thursday, October 30, 2014

Finishing chapter two

Tomorrow we will finish chapter two with a few more details about DNS and the peer-to-peer model and how it is a model for applications that scales more easily.

Please note a short written test will be conducted after the break over materials covered in this second chapter.

Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of the book will be covered in tomorrow's lecture.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chapter 3 taught in the lab in the next five sessions

Starting with third lab, we will be presenting Java network programming using the Sockets interface. You can get the five labs from the file repository (linked on the right-hand side column of the page).

While the exercises should be self-explanatory, the theory will be presented at the beginning of each lab, so you won't miss them. If you are not able to finish any exercise, you may do that at home.

Remember that you can use any environment capable of compiling and running Java code for these exercises (Java 1.5 or newer is recommended).

BTW, a link to what a quoted last Friday about spam. Do not forget to pay attention to the date of the news.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Broadening your project's choices

I am glad to report that Intel is going to supply us some units of Arduino Galileo that you may use for developing your programming project too. As units are limited, please let me know what you will use that hardware for.

This hardware is part of Intel® Galileo University Donations. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

More news and lab

From time to time some Internet protocols experience security problems. There are time where a fix can be made available while others mean the end of a certain protocol. While we have not yet covered in the classroom, it seems today signals the end of the so-called Secure Socket Layer protocol (SSL in short).

Next week we will have our second lab and we will cover electronic mail in the classroom. Please read section 2.4 of the book by then.

Monday, October 13, 2014

A talk you may like

David Cuartielles is one of the architects of Arduino platform.

David is giving a talk tomorrow evening at ESTINF.

You may like it.

Talk will be in Spanish.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Labs start on Tuesday

This is to remind you we are starting Lab sessions this week on Tuesday, October 14th.

This Lab#1 will be about TCP/IP configuration and how the lab computers are configured using both Linux and Windows operating systems.

Laboratory is located in the 2nd floor of building 1G side by side with the Operating Systems Lab.

Oops, I made a mistake and provided the wrong Lab above. This is the real first lab document. And no, it does not deal with TCP/IP configuration but with HTTP protocol and how to use Wireshark to capture your web traffic (something that I already suggested in the classroom you did at home).