Friday, November 25, 2011

Weekend homework

There are a few exercises to do at home.

Please note next lecture previous reading is quite extensive:


  1. José Vicente11/28/2011 6:27 PM

    Where can we find something to base on when doing the exercises?

    I have felt a bit lost when I have seen homework.


  2. @José Vicente:

    Flow control -> "recv window" field on TCP header (16 bit value). Ethernet-based MSS = 1460 bytes.

    Skip exercise 4 till this week, as I can see we've not yet explained how a connection is created or closed.

  3. There's any document for today's lab session?

  4. It's in the repository. But I'll put a link in the blog right now.

  5. I don't understand very well the part of the acknowledge sequence number meaning: is it the same as the last bit number of the segment or the last segment sent in a window?

    Appart from that the RFC 793 doesn't explain anything about the field, I don't understand very well the explanation given in RFC 2018 and finally the timestamp at RFC 1323.
