Monday, January 9, 2012

Last lecture of the semester

For this last lecture the previous reading is Kurose2010, section 8.5
Next Thursday in the lab the first eight projects will be presented. The format of that session is as follows:
  • Each presenter has ten minutes to explain his project, that includes what the project is about, the actual code and a demo.
  • Attendants will rate each presenter from 1 to 5 (larger is better) in a list that will be handed over to the instructor at the end of the session.
  • Presentations may use (if desired) a set of slides (not required).
  • Students may address the audience in the language of their choice.

1 comment:

  1. What is the sense of the random numbers given by the client and the server? and the authentication authority is related with the certificates that we saw in the previous lecture?
