Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Next lecture materials

José Manuel asked about the lack of broadcast addresses in IPv6. Broadcast addressing has been removed for IPv6 but Multicast remains and Anycast has been added. But please note that reaching all the nodes on the local link (similar to IPv4 broadcast) can be achieved with IPv6 address ff02::1.

Some of the special addresses in IPv6 can be found here. A more detailed summary can be found on Wikipedia. You can see it is not as simple as IPv4.

Next lecture reading is Kurose's 4.4.2.

Some sub-netting and super-netting exercises are available. Feel free to choose four of them and send them solved to me by email before February 24th.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should explain more about DHCP, specially the steps for assigning the IP address to the requester. Alsi I have some questions about NAT:

    As the NAT translation table stores IP addresses and ports, two computers with the same IP and with the same port will receive the messages from the two different destinations?
    Where is allocated NAT in the hierarchy of protocols in TCP/IP architecture? And UPnP?
