Monday, September 10, 2012

First chapter of the textbook available in PDF

Linus Torvalds claimed that many things in life are better when they are free (you may want to research this quote for some fun). The first chapter of the textbook we use for this subject is made available for free download by the publisher.

You may want to grab it while it lasts. The only drawback is that this file belongs to the Spanish version of the book. Or is it an advantage? Please let me know you opinion on this with a comment (it won't bite you).

Please note there is a newer version of the book (6th edition) just published in English. You can borrow the  5th edition from the school library.

Reading section 1.1 before the first lecture will help you follow it better. If you have any questions before the class it is a good thing you sent me an email so I can properly address it in my lecture. We will follow this method along the course so we can make the classroom more efficient (any doubts from your readings or exercises you can email it to me before the lecture).

Just in case you doubt it: Tomorrow September 11 (oops, what a date) we won't start the Lab sessions as erroneously states the school time-table web app. 


  1. Teniendo en cuenta lo extenso que es el capítulo en relación a los (pocos) conceptos que introduce, en castellano es mucho más digerible.

    En cuanto lo tenga subido, enviaré por correo el enlace del libro completo a todos, que así no habrá que pelearse por conseguir un ejemplar en la biblioteca ni cargar con un tocho de 844 páginas.

  2. Book can be found in PDF in the wild, but if you get it, do not post it here.

    All the software tools we use in the course are free and/or open-source, the book is not one of them. However, the recommended textbook is copyrighted. We cannot give it away but we made sure some copies were available at the library.

    That said, I do agree an electronic copy is much more convenient to carry around (as far as you do not run out of power).

  3. Por eso decía de enviarlo por correo, así no habrá problemas ;)

  4. Sugiero dropbox, carpeta de clase: suele funcionar muy bien. Si me pasáis vuestros mails tengo material del curso pasado (lo único bueno de repetir).
