We will have written tests of all chapters during the course. Not to be confused with the written exams that we will have at the end of each term. These classroom tests are mostly for you to know your level of understanding of chapter's contents. A small fraction of them will contribute to the 20% of your mark that measures your classroom performance.
Please note this same week signals the beginning of Lab sessions. There is an exercise for you to do at home to get familiar with some of the tools we will later use in the lab. The main purpose is for you to learn how to use Wireshark software, for which you have plenty of information here. And you may want to start by watching this video.
Lab#1 is already available here.
I wanted to remind you that we use a blog format so you can be a part of it too. That is why anyone can post a comment to any entry. Of course I receive an email every time a comment is made so I have a chance to provide an answer right away, or make note so I can address that in the next lecture. Sending me an email works too, but it deprives others of your comment or question and that may not be as efficient (i.e. repeated question) as a shared question posted as a comment.
Notice A change of hour has been requested by some students. Class will then be held same Monday 14th from 17-19h. In order to make it possible for you all not to miss the test, test has been rescheduled to the next class on Friday, October 18th.
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