Sunday, September 25, 2011


These exercises are due this Friday. You do not need to make it pretty. Scan (or photograph) your solution's page and email it to me at

Please include the text [Exercises] on the subject line of your submission.

Monday, September 19, 2011

First class notes

Remember that the slides I used in the classroom can be found in the blog's file repository (top-right link). The IETF site was mentioned in the classroom too, where open discussions may lead to Request For Comments documents that are publicly available.

Please remember that you are welcome to post comments anytime in this blog. Even anonymous comments are welcome, though that might change in the future. The good thing about comments, that may include any question is that they are visible for all the audience: A question solved as a comment may help other readers too.

Please note that attendance recording has started now but being a manual process errors can happen. Should you find any error, please contact me so it can be fixed.

By the way, my search of the first chapter of the book led me to this link from the publisher. Please note it is 2nd Edition so it may be a bit outdated in some of the comments.

You should read sections 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 for this class and sections 1.4 & 1.4.1 for September 23rd class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This site will be holding subject-related info for the first Computer Networks subject of the Computer Engineering degree at Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.

Whether we will use this instead of PoliformaT or not it is still to be determined. If you are like me, you will appreciate to work in the open, passwordless world, where the rest of the world can have a look at what we do here. Thanks to this approach being followed by others, I was able to refresh my knowledge of 3D graphics this summer with the course material of subjects taught at Stanford university.