Sunday, September 25, 2011


These exercises are due this Friday. You do not need to make it pretty. Scan (or photograph) your solution's page and email it to me at

Please include the text [Exercises] on the subject line of your submission.


  1. propagation time (or delay) is

    transmission time (or delay) is

  2. I have seen at the bibliography and in the net but I didn't found the concept of Bit Length (in computer networks). Any hint to find it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't found anywhere in the book references to the exercises we have to do for tomorrow. Are we supposed to relied on the book to make them?. I just read the 1.3 and 1.5 and it doesn't help me at all,..

    I cant pass through the 1b,.. :S

  5. @joséromero: Bit Length in a general context is the length in bits of a certain field, like a cryptographic key, or the number of bits of an address. In the context of the propagation delay it brings in a new meaning. Maybe the next text can help:

    The idea is that a given bit length in time can be interpreted as a certain length in meters given a certain propagation speed.

  6. @Máximo: I hope I won't get in trouble because of your comment, do not feel offended if I have to remove it.

  7. @Domingo: Section 1.3 may help you a bit to understand transmission delay but propagation delay is explained in Section 1.4 (though it was mentioned in the classroom too). Anyway, do not worry as we will be covering this exercises in detail tomorrow. The important thing it for you to try.

  8. I change my reply for avoid future futher problems. If anyone has interest in "books about this subject". Be free to contact me.

    I'll put the link with my best intentions, but of course I understand your point.I apologize for any inconvenience (again xD)
