Monday, November 14, 2011

Lab#5: Threads

Sometimes we need applications to perform two or more tasks at a time. Blocking calls may stop all program activity. If you are not happy with that, threads can help you have just only one of them blocked while your program continues doing other tasks.

You can get the lab text here.

By the way, no previous reading for next lecture.


  1. That's not lab session 3?

  2. Yes, the pdf of the link is the lab session 3!

    Btw... No reading for the next class?!?! What a good piece of news!!

  3. It's lab#3 of sockets, but we've got two previous labs before that, so technically it is lab#5. As mentioned Chapter 3 belongs to the lab and there are five labs about sockets. Sorry for the confusion.

  4. Regarding the second comment, well there is a relevant piece of text about next class, but we don't like it much, so that is why we are not asking you to read it (it's about reliable data transfer).
