Friday, January 27, 2012

1st term marks and marked exams

You can have a look here at the test you did in the last class of the semester:

The marked exams are going to be emailed to each one of you today, so you can see what you did right or wrong. A solved exam will be published soon too.


  1. I think we can give two conclusions about this exam (the first term one):

    -We should have the java documentation for the exams or a collection of methods.

    -We should do more exercises of TCP transactions. We should have a tutor class in a short term.

    PS: Some partners want to change Friday's class for another day. What do you think?

  2. I think that having the socket's classes documentation may be a reasonable thing to do. I will talk to my colleagues about it.

    We have not yet published the solved exam so you may have some doubts.

    Changing the class to another day is possible for me as I only have this group's lectures during seconds term. Let's talk about this next Friday.

  3. We wanted to move this Friday's class I think.

  4. I do not think this is going to be possible. It's already Wednesday and I am not available this Thursday ...

    I was assuming you wanted to move all the lectures of the semester. Is that what you want or just this Friday's one?

  5. When would you like to have the lecture?
