Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to new students course 2012-13

Feel free to look back in previous posts. From now on, all the posts will pertain to this new course and I hope you will enjoy the course, but mostly I do expect you to learn all the basics about Computer Networks along this year. This what this course is all about, the basic concepts of TCP/IP networks.

I have been using a blog instead of other vehicles for distributing the course information. We will discuss this on the very first day to establish whether we keep this system or you prefer me to switch to other type of platform.

Please note that this blog is open to people outside of the course, make sure you feel comfortable about it. Attendance record and marks are made public in a transparent way from day one.

Blog format allows me to be posting news, labs or any other relevant information about the course, while you have on the right-hand side the course spreadsheet covering attendance and mark information and a file repository all relevant files can be downloaded from. Did I mention no username/password is ever required?

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