Thursday, January 30, 2014

And we are back ...

See you guys tomorrow (January 31st) in the classroom.  Classes are back to normal and labs will start
on February 12th. We will start with book's chapter 4: The Network Layer about IP protocol and routing.

Please note that many of you still have to submit the source code of your project to me, together with the few lines describing the program. This is a requirement to keep your mark (and will allow me to verify you did the right thing). Failing to do this before February 14th will mean the cancellation of your mark in the lab. Those with the public presentation still pending need to get up to speed to do it ASAP. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

1st term exam marks are out

You can find them in the usual marks page. You can check both the exam mark (it appears in yellow bachground) and the final mark in purple font. Please be reminded that our pass mark is 5.00 points.

Marked exams are available online (for a limited time) and you can send me any request or correction that needs to be made by email.

Solved by hj43us

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Last lecture tomorrow

We will finish chapter 5. You can read sections 8.3, 8.4 & 8.5 from the book. If time is available, we will have a short test at the end of the lecture.