Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1st term marks are out

You can find them on the link

I know that some of you could not make it for various reasons and I expect you for the retake. In case you are wondering, you can go to the retake exam next week even when you did not do last Monday's exam).

My first impression is that some of you did not study enough for the exam as I reckon this exam was within what was expected and still average performance is poor.

Please note the blue background column represents the mark of the whole term, all things considered (class, homework, labs, exam).

You can review your marking in this link. If you find any error, please let me know so I can fix it. Marked exams will be available only for week.

You do not need to obtain a minimum mark on any term, your first time mark will be averaged with your second term one. However, if you have a very low mark now, it is advisable you try to improve it in the retake exam (if you want to). Students doing the retake exam need to know that the new mark they obtain will be replacing the mark they scored in the first exam. If you score more poorly in the retake exam you can actually worsen your mark.

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