Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pending text readings

Last class went without a previous reading (my mistake). I should have told you sections 8.2.2 and 8.3 were required. Anyway, you can do this over the holidays.

Next and last class will include another quick written test. As usual it will happen at the beginning of the class, so be on time or you'll have less time (if any) for the test.

Ah, by the way, next class reading is Kurose's section 8.5 about Secure Socket Layer.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today there will be no lab session as you all asked me to postpone it after the holidays.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More information about the projects

Let me explain what the projects are about. In a nutshell, each project is a programming assignment that can be presented (once completed) to the rest of students in the lab. Lab sessions #9 and #10 will be devoted to these presentations. Each presentation is a short public presentation of your work for about 10 minutes including questions and answers.

You can do without the public presentation, but your mark will reflect that too. You can turn your project even after the 1st term exam, but again, your mark will be adjusted accordingly with the delay (turning your project in March or later will award you no score).

No written report is needed and you choose what type of media (if any) you use for the public presentation of your project.

Each project is developed by one or two students (your choice). Once again I insist that cheating or copying other student's work is against the rules and strongly discouraged. Those caught engaged in such a behavior will face disciplinary measures.

More homework to do and next class reading

A few exercises, some of them with solutions included, are available here. Take it easy as they are due for next week's Friday December 23rd.

Next class reading is:

  • Kurose's Section 1.6, 8.1, 8.2-intro and 8.2.1 (yes, it's chapter 8).

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nokia with Windows Phone : My Lumia 800 Experience

Emilio Coronado is Software Product Manager in Nokia who has participated in the latest development of Nokia with Microsoft WP7 Mango, and is directly responsible of the software on the upcoming new devices, he can explain his experience working with several companies like Microsoft, Qualcomm, Nokia, etc. across several countries, on multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.

Emilio is a former student of ETSINF and a friendly guy, so I'm sure you will enjoy his presentation next December 22nd, 12:30h in the classroom 1G 1.7.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Next class stuff, and some other goodies ...

While some of you try to develop your own TCP reset attacks over the long holidays ahead, I want to remind you that, by popular request and unanimous agreement of the students present, the class of next Friday December 9th will be held Monday December 12th at 16:30. Please read Kurose's section 3.7 but not 3.7.1 nor "Fairness" nor "Marcroscopic ...".

As I mentioned in the classroom, you have to choose one programming assignment out of the list of proposed projects. Next class a decision of which project goes to which student will be made, but your preferences will be taken into account. Please note that each programming assignment can be done by a group of two or by a single student. However, not enough projects have been proposed so as to each student may have a unique project. Last two lab sessions will be used for students to present their solutions to the class (which is mandatory). In those projects developed by a group of two, the two students will get the same mark but the presenter will be chosen randomly.

Presentation slots are 10 minutes long, so each session allows up to 9 presenters.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Server code and stress test code

We have used in the lab a TCP chat server. You can find the code in here and you can get this other program to stress the server a bit.

Lab#7: Multiprotocol servers

You can download it from the file repository. The topic today is how to create a server that handles several protocols at once. How can a server use both TCP and UDP versions of an application protocol? We will see that.