Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More information about the projects

Let me explain what the projects are about. In a nutshell, each project is a programming assignment that can be presented (once completed) to the rest of students in the lab. Lab sessions #9 and #10 will be devoted to these presentations. Each presentation is a short public presentation of your work for about 10 minutes including questions and answers.

You can do without the public presentation, but your mark will reflect that too. You can turn your project even after the 1st term exam, but again, your mark will be adjusted accordingly with the delay (turning your project in March or later will award you no score).

No written report is needed and you choose what type of media (if any) you use for the public presentation of your project.

Each project is developed by one or two students (your choice). Once again I insist that cheating or copying other student's work is against the rules and strongly discouraged. Those caught engaged in such a behavior will face disciplinary measures.

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