Friday, December 2, 2011

Next class stuff, and some other goodies ...

While some of you try to develop your own TCP reset attacks over the long holidays ahead, I want to remind you that, by popular request and unanimous agreement of the students present, the class of next Friday December 9th will be held Monday December 12th at 16:30. Please read Kurose's section 3.7 but not 3.7.1 nor "Fairness" nor "Marcroscopic ...".

As I mentioned in the classroom, you have to choose one programming assignment out of the list of proposed projects. Next class a decision of which project goes to which student will be made, but your preferences will be taken into account. Please note that each programming assignment can be done by a group of two or by a single student. However, not enough projects have been proposed so as to each student may have a unique project. Last two lab sessions will be used for students to present their solutions to the class (which is mandatory). In those projects developed by a group of two, the two students will get the same mark but the presenter will be chosen randomly.

Presentation slots are 10 minutes long, so each session allows up to 9 presenters.


  1. I want the webcam project but it seems that the example link doesn't work. It should be in order to work or

    PS: Any hint to check the size of the output file?

  2. Just choose any other webcam you like from this page:

    I was expecting the problem in Lliria to be fixed in a couple of days. I was wrong.

    Remember Content-Length: response header line.

  3. Nooooo!! The webcam project is mine! ¬¬

  4. Let the fight begin. There will be blood.

    No, seriously, it might be possible for two students to work together or to have two copies of the the same assignment.

    I just do not want all of you to choose the same assignment.

  5. If not, you just shoot yourself in the foot when disabling it :-)

  6. Or you can access it using your Ethernet home network ...

  7. About the slow-start methodology, how much increases or decreases over time? and this methodology doesn't decrease the performance?

  8. Slow start is not really that slow ... we'll see it later in the classroom.

  9. Álvaro Marco12/13/2011 6:50 PM

    Miguel, I've make my decision, I'd like to do the sensorTCP project!

  10. @Álvaro: Máximo asked for it too. Are you going to work together?

  11. Álvaro Marco12/13/2011 7:41 PM

    Well I would prefer to do it alone, but if for you is better that we do the project together, for me is ok.

  12. It is up to you. It is possible to work alone too.
