Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Homework has been marked

You can find it in the usual place. Results are not great, but there is a slight improvement compared to our previous homework.

This time the questions' goal was for you to go the extra mile. As only the foundations of sliding window protocols were presented in the classroom and I expected you to at least read the links provided before being able of answering the questions. Some of you did good but again, I am worried that others did not.

If we take into account that you could use any source of information and that there was plenty of time (IMHO) I would expect better results. Please remember that I am available and you can stop by my office (with an appointment) even if your questions are about pending homework.

Do not let your doubts hanging in there till the day before the exam!

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll need to step by your office, this time I thought i did better but it seems not. Propably I am missing something...
