Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sliding window protocols

You may want to review the details about sliding window protocols and how they use the Go-back-N or the Selective-Repeat approaches to deal with transmission errors before answering the following questions:

  1. What is the preferred window size (N) for each case (Go-back-N and Selective-Repeat) for a case where propagation delay is D seconds and link rate is R bps?
  2. Why a too large window is a bad idea?
  3. What is the relationship with the maximum size of the transmission window (N) and the number of bits used for the sequence numbers on both, Go-back-N and Selective Repeat?
  4. What is the interest of the delay-bandwidth product when choosing the window size?

This homework is due for the next lab, November 27th. 

Sample Solution

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