Friday, October 4, 2013

File Transfer Protocol

It is an old protocol designed to provide a way for sending a file from a client to a server and backwards. It allows clients to download files without proper authentication, but it is not a very secure protocol (to say the least).  You can read about it in Section 2.3 and it will be covered in one Lab too.

You can have a look to RFC1945 and RFC2616 though I do not expect you to actually read it. A quick look may be not so hard for you to get familiar with how protocols are detailed.

October 11th class is moved to a yet to be defined date as I will be out of town. Please let me know what date may suit you better to recover that class as soon as possible.

Remember you can check on-line both attendance and marks. Let me know any mistake that could have been made.


  1. Please research by yourself what persistent connections are (in the context of HTTP protocol)? 
  2. What are persistent connections for?
  3. Show with an example how persistent connections may improve HTTP client-server interaction.

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