Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What should I have learned from Lab#1?

I am not sure all of you got it it right, but the expected outcomes for this lab were:

  1. To understand the usage of netcat command for creating TCP connections both as a client or as a server (-l) and how it can be used for accesing a certain server from the command line.
  2. To capture network traffic using Wireshark and how to interpret HTTP traffic.
  3. To understand the function of "conditional GET" in HTTP.
  4. To see the traffic caused by HTTP persistent connections.
Please remember that labs are just 90 minutes long and that requires you to have read the lab exercises in advance.

I realized that some of you had not much familiarity with Wireshark program, though you were asked to do a lab#0 just about that. Try to review what capture filters are, what visualization filters are and what Follow TCP stream is for. These are basic concepts that will make your life easier when working with Wireshark software.

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