Friday, September 26, 2014

HTTP protocol

I was reading today how a security problem could be using HTTP as an attack vector to the server. However, we will focus next week on the basic inner working mechanisms of HTTP 1.0 an 1.1 versions. If you already read section 2.2 of the textbook, no further reading is needed.

I hope you all have installed and tested Wireshark program to capture your very own HTTP traffic your computer sends and receives when browsing the 'net. The video below details some of the information you can obtain by capturing HTTP traffic.


  1. Every business needs a reliable computer network master. I run a business and have relied on an IT expert more times than I can count. They pretty much saved my business on multiple occasions.

  2. Hi, on tuesday we have the first lab sesion and the guide or the lab instructions aren't available yet.
