Friday, September 12, 2014

Second lecture

Next Friday Chapter 1 will be finished and we wil start Chapter 2: The Application Layer that will
cover different types of distributed applications commonly used on the Internet (like World Wide Web, e-mail or Domain Name System). Please read section 2.1 of the (5th Ed) Kurose's Computer Networks for next class. Do make any question you have a as a comment to this blog entry.

Summarizing today's class you can read sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of the same book.

I forgot to mention that you can reach me at my office 2N6, building 1G, by appointment.

Please note Labs will not start till Tuesday October 14th due to the course structure (15x 2h lectures + 10x 1.5h labs each term).

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