Friday, September 6, 2013

Welcome to Computer Networks 101 (2013-14)

One more year I welcome new students (and maybe some not so new ones) to this subject that as you know will be entirely taught in English. Not only the language will be different but so will be the on-line platform, as the only thing you'll find from me in PoliformaT is a link to this blog.

Contrary to PoliformaT, this blog is open, so you can read it even if you are not a student or you are not enrolled in this subject. Not that I think this will bring in many students to the subject but I do not see the point of being closed and I do not particularly enjoy typing my password away, plus my students doing the same everytime they want to access any information about the subject. It makes me think of the many hours of our lives we will be typing passwords.

This is not an easy subject, so at least I will try to keep the access to the subject's information as easy as possible. By the way the blog's name matches the subject code, in case you wondered.

In the first class next Friday 13th I will present the subject and I will give the first lecture about the Internet. If you can read Sections 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the textbook you will have a better understanding of the topics. You can read it from the free sample chapter provided by the publisher or borrowing the book from the library.

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